Moon in Vedic Indian texts

Divine Dimension
2 min readJan 24, 2021

The moon is called “Chandra” in Sanskrit.

The Indian calendar, unlike the western calendar, has both solar as well as lunar months. This shows how important the moon is in Indian culture.

Moon Phases play a significant role for all life forms, Moon is often associated with the divine feminine, the most powerful form of the feminine divinity referred to as “Shree” who is the pride of Shiva and his wife is said to have a face like that of a crescent moon.

Shree is the manifestation of the ultimate power and prosperity.

Despite it being related to the feminine aspects of the universe, the Moon is worshipped as a male god and not a goddess.

Due to its relation with feminine energies, Moon phases have a direct impact on our emotions.

On a full moon night” Poornima”, our emotions are heightened by the impact of the moon. While on a lunar eclipse “Amavasya” we stay most focused and unaffected which is why this time is considered as the best for achieving desired results in occult practices.

Bathing in moon charged water is said to increase beauty in women and it helps cure inflammation.

To prepare moon charged water you can put drinking water in a copper vessel on top of wood or any other insulated surface, the vessel must not touch any conducted and not have any other metal instead of copper, this vessel is then placed in the moonlight overnight and in the morning the water can be used for drinking/bathing.

Sitting outside in moonlight on several nights is advised to females with irregular periods it is said to help in curing period cramps.

Before the western influence, there was not a concept of a weekend in India but people used to get rest days on days having full moon nights for definite times, from the time the moon enters the horizon till it went to the other side of the globe.

There is also phenomenal astrological knowledge about the origin of Moon and its behaviour, explained in pedagogy in a phenomenal ancient text called the “Surya Siddhanta”. It's mind-boggling to see such accurate knowledge in this ancient work when according to archaeologists there was no advanced equipment to study or record these observations.

